Why do phones become slow over time - Spec of Tech


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Why do phones become slow over time

We all own smartphones in today's life. One of the major issues which we face is that these phones become slow over time. This is a very annoying problem we all face. The main question is can it be fixed, if yes, how to fix it.  Today I would be sharing all information related to this topic. 

Why do phones become slow over time?

In today's world technology is rapidly developing. Each day some new thing pops up. Hardware technology keeps on developing. And smartphone brands implement them in their new phones. And lunch their new phones with higher hardware power. So software companies design applications for the upgraded hardware usually without thinking about the previous hardware users. Software companies do this to give their users better usability and new and improvised features. But since these apps are designed for upgraded hardware, so when they are installed on phones with older hardware the phone starts to lag. This is the main reason for the phone to slow down. Similar things happen when we upgrade our OS.

The other reason is related to the phone's storage. When we buy a phone we start stuffing it with lots of photos, video, music, etc due to which it takes a bit longer access files from storage. I will give an example for you to understand this. Consider you have a notebook of some 50 pages. When only 10 pages are filled you can find the page you are looking for very easily. But when 40 pages are filled you will need more time to reach the wanted page. The same thing happens to your phone. Thus we see a lag.

 Another big reason for the phone lagging is the battery. After 1 or 2 years of usage, the battery of your phone starts to heat very frequently. Since your phone is heating, the processer reduces its speed to cool down the phone. I have written a detailed article on phone issues and its effects you can check it out by Clicking here.

Speaking technically our phones have flash storage. These storages are fast and efficient. But the disadvantage of this storage is that it can be rewritten for a limited number of times. Flash storage can be overwritten up to 100,000 times. As the phone gets old its storage would have been overwritten many times. Some parts of the storage would have been overwritten 100,000 times. And when this storage reaches overwriting limit they cannot be used. Hence reducing available storage. And as a result, the phone becomes sluggish. But this phenomenon occurs usually after 3-4 years of use. 

How to speed up phone?

The major reason for the phone to slow down over time is the updates of apps and OS. Well, we have no option for OS, we have to upgrade it as a very upgrade in OS improves the security of the device. Coming to the apps better uninstall the apps which you don't use. And don't upgrade system apps which you don't use. Every 3-4 months spend some time on your phone and clear all unwanted apps installed. And back up all your photos to the computer. This solution is quite simple but effective. By following these steps you will able to boost you can boost the life of your phone.

If you are using a budget phone at max it can be used for 3-4 years. And after that time phone starts to feel too sluggish. And premium phones like iPhones or flagships of Samsung can be used for 5-6 years. It's just that flagships have better storage nothing else.

So, That's it for this blog hope you liked it.  And please subscribe to the blog to get a notification when there is a new post. Comment down if I have missed something. Thanks for scrolling...!

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